Character Theory of Finite Groups - Huppert

کتاب تئوری کاراکتر گروه های متناهی ، هوپرت تعداد صفحات : 312 قالب فایل : PDF Varies from I. M. Isaacs' 1976 book of the same title by updating results, describing new directions the field has taken, being just a bit more module-theoretic, and including many examples in which the character table o

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  • کتاب تئوری کاراکتر گروه های متناهی ، هوپرت
    تعداد صفحات : 312 
    قالب فایل : PDF
    Varies from I. M. Isaacs' 1976 book of the same title by updating results, describing new directions the field has taken, being just a bit more module-theoretic, and including many examples in which the character table or at least the character degrees of groups are calculated. Areas in which the earlier work is still current are treated briefly if at all. Most of the material should be accessible to readers with only one term of instruction in group theory. A sampling of topics turns up degrees of irreducible representations, coprime action, Clifford Theory, monomial groups, the degree graph, lengths of conjugacy classes, splitting fields, and three arithmetical applications. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

    برچسب ها: Character Theory Finite Groups Huppert پایان نامه

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