پاورپوینت سیستم انرژی

پاورپوینت سیستم انرژی نوع فایل: پاورپوینت قابل ویرایش 38 اسلاید The food is broken down into soluble chemicals (e.g. glucose) by digestion in the gut. The soluble chemicals pass through the gut wall into the blood. The blood carries the soluble food chemicals to all of the body’s

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  • پاورپوینت سیستم انرژی

    قابل ویرایش 38 اسلاید

    The food is broken down into soluble chemicals (e.g. glucose) by digestion in the gut.
    The soluble chemicals pass through the gut wall into the blood.
    The blood carries the soluble food chemicals to all of the body’s cells, where they will be used for:
    Glucose diffuses easily into the cells and is used to meet their energy demands.
    Glucose is stored here as glycogen and is used when the body is working harder.
    Here some of the glucose is stored as glycogen and used to maintain blood sugar levels.

    برچسب ها: پاورپوینت سیستم انرژی سیستم انرژی

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